Optiplexs 745 Bios 2.6.6

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Optiplexs 745 Bios 2.6.6 Rating: 7,4/10 1785 reviews

Press “F2” the moment the Dell logo appears on the screen. You will only have two to three seconds to press the key.Enter your BIOS password.Navigate to the “Exit” screen.Select the “BIOS Password” setting.Enter your BIOS password and a new password if desired. Do not enter anything in the “New Password” box if you want to remove the BIOS password completely.Press “Enter” to save your password settings.Reset Forgotten PasswordsTurn off your Dell Optiplex 745 and remove the power cord from the computer.Disconnect any external hardware and cables.Slide the release latch located on the back of your Optiplex 745.Lift the cover as you slide the latch.Hold the cover firmly and pivot it back on the hinges.Remove the cover from the hinges.Find the “PSWD” jumper on the motherboard. This is a two-pin jumper and should be clearly labeled. Use a flashlight and magnifying glass if you have trouble locating it.Remove the jumper from the motherboard.Replace the cover and slide it into place until the latch snaps into place.Reconnect the power cable and restart your computer.Shut down the computer after it has completely restarted.Disconnect all cables and remove the cover again.Replace the PSWD jumper.Replace the cover.Reconnect all cables and restart your computer.

Dell Optiplex 745 Bios 2.6.6


Dell Optiplex 745 Bios Settings


Dell Optiplex 745 Drivers Free Download For Windows Xp,7,Vista,8 Video - Driver DescriptionImportanceVersioReleasedSupported OSDownloadATI X1300 Pro, v.8.593 WinXP SP3, A048.593 WinXP SP3 WHQL driver Platforms: Optiplex GX620 and 745.

I used the 745 motherboard to replace my older GX620 motherboard. With BIOS update 2.6.6 this motherboard can run a Intel Core 2 Quad 2.67GHz (strongest.